Our February CSR Meeting was held 2023-02-21 (one week late) to avoid St. Valentine's day and the World Ag Expo. The meeting was a hybrid meeting, with two members joining via Zoom. There were ten people present. Central Office finances: for December 21 through January 20, Central Office had an income of $4,922.18 and expenses of $4,846.08 for a gain of $76.10. The Big Book is still on sale for $9.83 for the hard cover. If you hear of any events where an AA booth for Public Information might be appropriate, please let Carol Ann know, and she will contact Patrick A. to reach out to the organization. Sara had the first Bridging The Gap committee meeting; three people attended. The next meeting will be April 1st, and include the option to attend via Zoom. Sara will set up a group text for committee members. Old business: the Golf Tournament is scheduled for April 23rd; please announce at your meetings. New business: Founders Day Picnic will be June 10th, 2023 at Mooney Grove Park. Nominations for committee chair are being taken. There was a lengthy discussion regarding a meeting where the Secretary shuts everything off and goes home if no-one shows up on time. A brand-new-comer tried to go to the meeting but found the building dark; the meeting has been taken off the schedule. At the Tulare County Central Office Inc business meeting, old business of a potential raise for our Office Manager was tabled until next month. New business: Golf Tournament - can we get a committee member to report at the next CSR meeting, and let us know if they need any sort of help or volunteers? New Year's Eve - this used to be the major fund raiser of the year; but has the event run it's course? Request to the landlord to change the locks to keys that don't suck. And a single key, this time. (Granted) David to work with Carol Ann to make sure Zoom attendees to the CSR meeting have access to the same documents in-person attendees have.