GSR meeting was November 1st, 2023 Eight people attended; four in-person and four via Zoom. Finances: No report, but our previous balance forward was $2,894.90. DCM report: 1. Grapevine app is now available. 2. Daily Reflection is now available as an audiobook. 3. The 2023 Conference Report will be available at the Election Assembly and will also available online in pdf format. Election Assembly 2023: three of us went to Placerville. Matthew L. was elected Delegate Claudio B. was elected Alternate Delegate Holly J. was elected Chairperson (went to the hat) Emily L. was elected Alternate Chairperson Don H. was elected Treasurer Jose U. was elected Recording Secretary Jessica J. was elected Registrar The spending plan was approved. The new position of A/V Technician was approved The position of Oral Translation Chair was not eliminated The bylaws were amended to send both the Chair and Alternate Chair of Archives to the national Archives Conference. Old business Mike C. was nominated DCM (District Committee Member) David G. was nominated for Recording Secretary Josh F. and Keith A. were nominated for Treasurer Courtney R. was nominated for Alternate DCM. We are looking for CSO Liaison, Registrar, and H&I Liaison No new business. Announcements: The Springville Speaker Breakfast was November 12th.