This website report covers the time between the December and January CSR Meetings (2024-12-10 through 2025-01-14). Meetings: One new addition: Friday nights at Bridge Street Drunks Only in Visalia at 6 PM - a newcomer's meeting. Change 1: Central Valley Recovery Alumni Meeting was moved two weeks forward to not conflict with New Year's Eve Change 2: Bridge Street Drunks Only, Saturday night: moved forward an hour to 6 PM, and changed the format to a 10 minute speaker. Calendar of events: Carol Ann added the Northern California Council of Alcoholics Anonymous (NCCAA) spring event in Modesto, March 7 - 9. Announcements: Planning meeting for New Year's Eve party; Tuesday December 17. Meeting change: Bridge Street Drunks Only, Saturday moves to 6 PM New meeting: Bridge Street Drunks Only for newcomers, Fridays at 6 PM Carol Ann and I did the normal monthly edits of the CSR meeting, GSR meeting, Springville Sunday Breakfast meeting, and Valley Group meetings. Thank you for letting me be of service.