General Service Representatives (GSRs) meet once a month on the first Wednesday of the month. For the November meeting, we will start 30 minutes later than normal, this month only. Attendance may still be in-person at Central Office, or via Zoom. We will have nominations for the election next month, and discuss plans for the Election Assembly in Placerville next month.
Keep It Simple Sunday (K.I.S.S.) in Visalia moves to winter schedule: 10:00 AM
Keep It Simple Sunday is an outdoor meeting at Blain Park in Visalia. Because it is an outdoor meeting, we move the time later in winter for warmer weather, and earlier in summer for cooler weather. Come join us – it is a beautiful setting for a meeting.
Central Office will be closed Friday, Nov 10th 2023.
In observance of Veteran’s Day, Central Office will be closed Friday November 10th.
Primary Purpose Group 12 Step Workshop – Starting on Monday the 16th (updated)
The Primary Purpose Group is beginning a NEW 12 Step Workshop, beginning Monday October 16th, 2023. This workshop goes for 24 weeks. It is important to get in at the beginning, so put it on your calendar. This in-depth workshop will help you understand and work the Twelve Steps completely.
The Primary Purpose Group chose to delay the start one week, from the 9th to the 16th – so you still have time to get in!
New Year’s Eve Party planning meeting this afternoon @ Central Office (and Zoom)
Would you like to be of help with the New Year’s Eve Party? We are having a planning meeting this afternoon at the Central Office in Exeter, from 6:00 to 6:45 PM. If you can’t make it in-person to Exeter, we will also have the meeting on Zoom.
Soberfest 2023 wrap up meeting will be Wednesday October 4th
Our wrap up meeting for Soberfest 2023 will be Wednesday the October 4th, 2023. Team captains and volunteers, please plan attend.
Bridging The Gap meeting Saturday October 7, 2023
A long history of A.A. experience has shown that attending meetings regularly is critical. One of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of a treatment facility or institution and the nearest A.A. group or meeting.
In order to bridge the gap, A.A. members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous.
It is suggested that the temporary contact take the newcomer to a variety of A.A. meetings, introduce the newcomer to other members of A.A., insure that he or she has the phone numbers of several A.A. members, and share the experience of sponsorship and a home group.
You too can help by joining our Bridging The Gap committee meeting October 7, 2023 at 11 AM at the Central Office in Exeter. You can also join via Zoom.
New Meeting: Joe and Charlie Big Book study at Bridge Street Drunks Only
Bridge Street Drunks Only in Visalia is a large group which now has 19 meetings. Their newest addition is 6:00 PM on Sundays, as they add a Joe and Charlie Big Book study. Joe McQuany and Charlie Parmley used to travel all over presenting workshops on the Big Book. They met in 1973 and spent the next three decades spreading their interpretation of the Big Book, until Joe died in 2007 (Charlie died in 2011). Their workshops were funny and insightful. Check out Bridge Street Drunks Only on Sundays at 6:00 PM to learn more.
NCCAA Conference 2023 Fresno pre-registration discounts end soon
Did you know that the NCCAA Conference has been around longer than the General Service Conference held in New York? Bill Wilson was inspired to create the General Service Conference after seeing the NCCAA conference. The Northern California Council of Alcoholics Anonymous (NCCAA) is holding their Autumn 2023 Conference in Fresno this year. Pre-registration gets you discounts on costs and helps the organizers know how many people will attend.
The discount for the hotel ends September 28 – ten days from now, and the discount for the conference registration ends October 1st, thirteen days from now.
Please see the link above for all the activites at the conference.
Men’s Spiritual Retreat in Three Rivers December 1 – 3, 2023
The 19th Annual Men’s Spiritual Retreat will be held in Three Rivers at Saint Anthony’s Retreat on December 1st through 3rd. It’s practically in our backyard!