Please take note that the regular location for the Monday Men’s Meeting at the PPAV hall in Visalia has been temporarily shifted. Instead, we kindly ask all attendees to go to Colima’s Restaurant on Noble Avenue near Roller Towne. This change only applies to the meeting on June 12. The PPAV hall is unavailable twice a year, which is why we gather at Colima’s then.
Founders Day Picnic planning meeting Sunday June 4 at 2:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 990 5172 1478 Passcode: 2sdsr7 |
When Sunday Jun 4, 2023 ⋅ 2pm – 2:30pm (Pacific Time – Los Angeles) |
Central Office closed today, Memorial Day
In observance of the holidy, Central Office will not be open today. We will be open tomorrow, Tuesday May 30.
Bridging The Gap committee meeting cancelled this month: no meeting tomorrow the 27th (Saturday)
We will reschedule the meeting to June
Bridging The Gap committee meeting this Saturday
A long history of A.A. experience has shown that attending meetings regularly is critical. One of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of a treatment facility or institution and the nearest A.A. group or meeting.
In order to bridge the gap, A.A. members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous.
It is suggested that the temporary contact take the newcomer to a variety of A.A. meetings, introduce the newcomer to other members of A.A., insure that he or she has the phone numbers of several A.A. members, and share the experience of sponsorship and a home group.
You too can help by joining our Bridging The Gap committee meeting this Saturday – either at Central Office or via Zoom.
Founders Day Picnic Planning Meeting this Saturday, May 13th
One of the great things about AA is that we get to fundamentally change for the better. What better way to give back to our community than to help with the Founders Day Picnic? Our first planning meeting is this Saturday, May 13th, at 1:30 PM. You too can sign up for a volunteer position for the picnic. You can meet in-person at Tulare County Central Office, 449 E Maple St, Exeter, CA 93221 -or- you can attend via Zoom
Keep It Simple Sunday (Visalia) will be changing to summer schedule June 4.
Keep it Simple Sunday in Blain Park in Visalia (an outdoor meeting) will be moving to start at 9:00 AM to beat the heat, beginning June 4, 2023. It’s still a 90 minute meeting in the same location. Please let your friends know of the schedule change. It will probably be October or November when it changes back to winter schedule (10:00 AM).
Central Office will be open on the last Saturday of the month.
To better serve our members who cannot make it to Central Office during the work week, we will open the office once a month on the last Saturday of the month. Our normal business hours were 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Our new business hours are still that, plus the last Saturday of the month (beginning April 29, 2023).
Bridging The Gap committee meeting – Zoom link, plus pamphlets
If you would like to attend our new Bridging The Gap committee meeting, please note that the Zoom information has changed from what was posted before. There are links to three BTG pamphlets too.
Part of Bridging the Gap between a treatment program and A.A. is the Temporary Contact Program, which is designed to help the alcoholic in an alcoholism treatment program make that transition.
As you know, one of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the facility and the nearest A.A. group or meeting. Some of us can tell you that, even though we heard of A.A. in treatment, we were too fearful to go.
A.A. experience suggests that attending meetings regularly is critical. In order to bridge the gap, A.A. members have volunteered to be temporary contacts and introduce newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous.
It is suggested that the temporary contact take the newcomer to a variety of A.A. meetings; introduce him or her to other A.A.s; insure that he or she has the phone numbers of several A.A. members, and share the experience of sponsorship and a home group.
We’re forming a new committee of people to learn what BTG is, and how to help with this basic Twelfth Step work. Please join us. You too can help.
Agenda Items workshop Sunday March 19 in Porterville
Do you want to hear what’s facing the future of AA? Do you want to be informed about the items on the agenda at the New York conference? Would you like a free Tri-Tip lunch? ;-) Our delegate, Jenn D. will be in Porterville at the Twelve Step Recovery Club from 1:00 PM through 4:00 PM. All AA members are invited. And if you cannot attend in-person, you can join via Zoom.