The Tulare County Bridging The Gap committee meets in-person at Central Office in Exeter on the first Saturday of the month. This meeting has been moved from 11 AM to noon. We will also set up Zoom for remote attendees.
Bridging The Gap is a Ninth Tradition service committee where members serve as temporary contacts for newcomers leaving treatment (“bridging the gap between the facility and their first AA meetings”).
If you would like to volunteer for this type of service, please join us at our committee meeting. We are preparing service material so that our committee members learn what we do, what we don’t do, and how this service work is best done.
There is a new alumni meeting for those who graduated from the CVRS program (Central Valley Recovery Services) but all are welcome to attend. This is a chip meeting!
The meeting is 5:30 to 7 pm at St Paul’s Church 120 North Hall St Visalia CA on the last Tuesday of the month!